Wednesday 29 July 2015


There are two types of activities in fitness – aerobic and anaerobic. Let us talk about the aerobic activity.

The aerobic activity includes cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance.
To improve this type of endurance you will have to improve your cardio activities.

No fitness routine is complete without cardio exercises. It may sometimes be monotonous or too exerting that you would want to skip it completely.  But let us not undermine the benefits of a cardio exercise.

Why are cardio exercises good for us?

Running, swimming, cycling, dancing, elliptical training and even brisk walking are examples of cardio exercises.

Our heart does not function at its optimum level when we are doing our daily chores. Done in a proper form and technique, we can achieve levels of performance, which we could not have imagined earlier.

Technology is improving at a lightening speed but human body is still the same. To improve the efficiency of our body we have to challenge ourselves.

The production of Endorphins or the brain’s feel good neurotransmitters is promoted by the cardio exercises. (Guaranteeing you to be in a good mood the whole day ) 

Cardio exercises helps in managing diabetes by increasing the muscle's ability to utilize glucose. Those who exercise regularly are able to control their blood sugar levels better than those who do not exercise.


First and most important is to take the consent of your doctor, check your blood pressure or if you have any other health issues.

To get the maximum benefit of a cardio exercise, it is important to do a particular exercise for more than 30 minutes.

Proper Footwear – helps to absorb the shock, which directly impacts the joints.

Heart rate Monitor – shows your heart rate and helps you to reach your maximum heart rate level where the heart beats slows down but the pumping of the blood is maximum.

Strengthen you surrounding muscles – which acts as a shock absorber thus reducing the stress on your joints.

Proper Form and Technique of running as well as breathing – helps your reach your goals without any injuries.

Stretching – which also helps in flexibility and decreases the risk of injuries by helping our joints to move in their full range of motion in turn making our muscles efficient.

Rest – The last and the most important thing is rest which helps in improving your progress.

 Shall we start? ;)


  1. Nice read! Cardio is often the first step to fitness for people looking to get into shape...
